Chennai is Rotary International District 3232 which consists of 107 clubs with over 4500 members (Rotarians), 135 Rotaract Clubs and 15000 Rotaractors.
English, Tamil
Areas of Focus - Fighting Disease, Areas of Focus - Growing Local Economies, Areas of Focus - Promoting Peace, Areas of Focus - Providing Clean Water, Areas of Focus - Saving Mothers and Children, Areas of Focus - Supporting Education, Avenues of Service - Club Service, Avenues of Service - Community Service, Avenues of Service - International Service, Avenues of Service - New Generations, Avenues of Service - Vocational Service, Awards, Brand Center, Clubs, Common Interests / Hobbies, District, E-Club, Events, Fellowships, Fundraising, Geography, Grants, Interact, Membership, New Generations, Partnerships, Projects, Rotaract, Rotarian Action Groups, Rotary Business, Rotary Community Corps, RYLA, Scholarships, Technology and Social Media, Training, Vocational Service, Youth
District 3232