We have more than 160 vendors worldwide licensed to sell goods and merchandise with the Rotary name, emblem, and other Rotary Marks. Rotary clubs and districts and Rotarians are encouraged to purchase merchandise only from official licensees.
Licensing requests
Any unauthorized reproduction or sale of merchandise containing the Rotary Marks, in any form, infringes on RI’s trademark rights. Anyone who believes an individual, company, or Rotary Entity is selling merchandise without authorization from Rotary International should contact the RI Licensing Section.
If you, your company, or Rotary Entity is interested in manufacturing or selling goods containing the Rotary name, Rotary Emblem, or other of the Rotary Marks, you must be licensed by Rotary International. Please refer all licensing inquiries to:
Rotary International Licensing Section
Phone: +1-847-866-4463
Fax: +1-847-866-6977
Email: rilicensingservices@rotary.org
Rotary International
1560 Sherman Avenue
Evanston, IL 60201