As events in the Middle East continue to unfold, and we hear from Rotary members around the world, it is important to clarify and underscore that Rotary is non-political, non-religious, and exclusively focused on providing humanitarian support and bringing people together. We build peace in the world, working together to share our compassion and help end human suffering.
We are saddened by the continuing loss of lives and destruction and express our deep concern surrounding the escalating violence across the Middle East, and the worsening humanitarian situation in Gaza and the region.
Peacebuilding is a cornerstone of Rotary's mission and an area of focus. At our core, Rotary is a common ground for people to come together – across nationalities and religions, cultures, and histories – to connect around our shared belief in a better tomorrow. That connection is what humanizes us in times of conflict and builds a foundation for lasting peace. Rotary remains committed to working with our members, partners, and communities to find long-term, sustainable solutions that support peace and development in the Middle East and everywhere.
We believe clubs and districts around the world can help. In that spirit, there are specific steps you can take to help those affected by the violence in these difficult times.
There are Rotary and Rotaract clubs throughout the Middle East. We urge Rotary members who want to help to connect directly with the districts and these clubs in the region to determine the most relevant avenues of support.
Additionally, we encourage members to take action through the following Rotary programs:
- Using district grants (from districts in the region and elsewhere) to carry out projects that support displaced persons and provide medical and other needed humanitarian assistance.
- Developing meaningful, longer-term projects with international partners that align with Rotary's areas of focus and are eligible to receive funding as global grants.
Members can make long-term investments in peacebuilding through Rotary by:
- Contributing District Designated Funds or district cash to support Rotary's Peace Centers, which invest in peacebuilders around the world, or the peacebuilding and conflict prevention area of focus that supports programs like our Positive Peace Activator Program.
- Joining Rotary peace programs that advance global understanding and peacebuilding, including Rotary Action Groups, Rotary Friendship Exchanges, Intercountry Committees, and Rotary Fellowships.
Together, let's be the inspiration to create hope in the world.
Rotary International